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Job Post

HR Officer

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1.1  Company Policy Formulation

  • a.       Formulate sound company policies in – line with company’s mission, vision, and goals.
  • b.        Review, suggestions, revisions, or improvement of current company policies, rules and regulations.

1.2  Employment Contract Administration

  • a.        Administer employment contracts, depending on the company’s objectives.
  • b.       Guidance in terminating employment contract without violating the Labour Code of the Philippines.

1.3  Employee Evaluation

  • a.        Make an effective employee evaluation forms and guidance for its proper implementation, which shall be the basis if an employee will become regular or be given merit or salary increases.
  • b.       May formulate Salary increase guidelines or percent (%) rate increase based on the employee evaluation results.

1.4  Disciplinary Action

  • a.        Guidance in properly imposing safe and effective disciplinary actions to employees following Procedural Due Process without violating the Labour Code of the Philippines.

1.5 Review of Employee Benefits & Salary Structure

  • a. Review of current employee benefits, including those that are mandatory. May provide inputs on salary structure, make suggestions or recommendations on other benefits and incentives that can further motivate employees.

1.6 Recruitment, On-boarding, & Orientation

  • a.       Recruitment activity, i.e. interviewing, administering employment tests and hiring personnel based on the agreed schedule. 
  • b.       Orient employees and line managers, supervisors with regards to company policies and other labor related and behavioural issues.

1.7 Documentation

  • a.       Device all HR forms needed from recruitment to termination and guidance for its proper use.
  • b.       Guidance and Review on Documentation of Employee Records, and other admin files including company correspondence and review of current company business forms.

1.8   Other HR and Admin concerns

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